A newly discovered patent filed on behalf of the social media monolith, Facebook, is disturbing, to say the least — and, grounds for the immediate covering of your webcam or smartphone camera.he patent, titled, Techniques for Emotion Detection and Content Delivery, explains how the device’s camera will be used to view the user’s face to determine their mental state: ie sad, happy, angry, etc. When Facebook identifies your mental state, they will use it to keep you on the site longer.
Facebook would analyze the images of your face and determine how or what to show you next to keep you engaged.
For example, if you smiled at a meme a friend posted, Facebook would recognize this via your camera and it would work to show you more memes related to that one.
This patent, quite literally, puts the ‘face’ in Facebook.
It’s not just facial expressions either; Facebook wants you to
continuously stare at their platform as well. According to their
examples in the patent application, if you were viewing videos of a
kitten and looked away, Facebook would take note and stop showing you
videos that don’t keep you staring directly at the screen.The secret recording of your face also helps Facebook to directly
target ads that fit your desires. If you watched an ad for scotch,
Facebook would know you didn’t look away and it would then target you
for more ads of that nature.The patent was submitted in February of 2014 and published on
November of 24, 2015. However, it was just granted on May 25, and
discovered by the group CB Insights.
As CB Insights reports, aside from spying on you through your camera and recording your face, the algorithm will monitor an entire slew of input and interaction methods to keep you on the platform
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